Thursday, February 3, 2011

Outfit of the Week- Week One

So I am going to start doing an outfit of the week. I plan to upload a new outfit at least once a week but if I don't get around to it every single week don't be mad. I might even end up doing more that just one a week, oh well.
Anyway this is a usual outfit for me, I am so casual. I always, always wear flats. I tried wearing heels a couple years back but they never caught on with me. I feel like a giant even though I am only 5'5 and my hubby likes that I am short and prefers me on the ground. Flats are much more comfortable and if you have to run away from something or whatever you are good to go. I bought these shoes at Ross for around $15.00.

I am always in a pair of jeans, be it pants or shorts, so of coarse my first "Outfit of the Week" is Jeans. I am a big fan of the ripped look, I am pretty sure most of my jeans have ripped parts on them. I bought these jeans from but I don't recommend buying jeans online. You really need to try them on. I had to return these twice trying to find the right size and the shipping is killer. I complained and got most of the shipping given back in a gift card. Remember this if nothing else, complaining can get you free stuff. lol

 A good undershirt is key. I never want to show too much while I am out and about so I always wear a great undershirt. A good one can snuggle you in all the right places and give you some great cleavage so I usually don't go without one. I bought this undershirt at Khols for around $2.99. Khols clearance is amazing, I shop their allot.

Finally the top. Light blue is so pretty and the shirt is great to wear. It is so breathable and the fabric is so soft. These are all key details when getting a great shirt. I bought this one at for $7.50 and I do believe that they still have a few left.
And now we are down to jewelry. I love jewelry, it really adds texture to your outfit and it is so important for your outfit. No matter what your taste is always add some jewelry to complete the outfit. I got most of this stuff from the mall, Claires and whatnot. The butterfly ring was $5.99, the other were a set for $9.99, while the bracelets where $3.99, the earrings came in a set of 3 or 4 different earrings and was $8.99, and the necklace was $6.99 I think.
There is the "Outfit of the Week" out of my closet. Complete with everything you need to look great and be comfortable. Don't forget to wear bras and undies, I didn't think it necessary to upload those, what do you think? Well leave a comment and let me know what you think about my Outfit of the Week. You can also become a follower so you don't miss anything I blog about, you don't want to miss next weeks Outfit of the Week, Do you?


Anonymous said...

Great accessories..or whatever, I love the braclets. And the butterfly ring is so cute, I want one.

Anonymous said...

I love the hole "Outfit of the Week" ideal. Please keep it and do another one soon.