Friday, February 11, 2011

What's in my bag

So I thought it would be neat to do a blog about what I carry around with me in my bag everyday. I always bring my bag no matter where I am going, at least as long as I am leaving my house I take my bag with me.

As you can see I have here my first wallet which I bought from Target a few weeks ago for $9.99. Second my brush which I bought from Ross for $3.99. Third you can see my keys which open my doors and start my cars. Forth is my make-up bag which you will see the content of it later. I bought this from Target as well for $1.99. Fifth is my MP3 player I bought from Wal-Mart for $79.00. I really love it, it works really well and I haven't come close to filling it up. Last but not least, or maybe it is, my little compact mirror. I bought this from Claires in one of our malls around here and I think it was $4.99 in clearance. I bought this my last birthday.

Here are the items that are in the pink/butterfly make-up bag. First my little floss stick things and my gum, I always need these just in case we ever eat out and I need to clean my teeth up a little. I carry gum where ever I go. Second a little thing of Deodorant. You never want to smell bad from B.O. Third I like to take along with me a little bit of make-up just in case I ever need to touch up my face. Some powder, concealer, eyeliner, mascara, lip gloss and eyeshadow stick.

Here we have a few different breath savors, tick tacks and whatnot, you never want to have bad breath. Some more lip gloss can be seen at the bottom right. I keep a little notebook with me just in case along with my little green address book, I got from target for $7.99. On the address book there area few hair things and a nail file. The green case at the top is where I keep my checkbook and other important things.

So now you know what I keep in my bag, what kinds of things do you always keep with you? If you have any questions or comments go ahead and leave a comment, I will respond always. So make sure you check back often.


Anonymous said...

What is that little fuzzy thing in the last picture?

Alicia said...

That little fuzzy thing was just some thing I got out of a quarter machine, lol I don't know why I tote it around with me.

Anonymous said...

I carry so much more make-up, how can you get away with such a little amount? But I love love your compact mirror, I want it please.