So I thought it would be neat to do a blog about what I carry around with me in my bag everyday. I always bring my bag no matter where I am going, at least as long as I am leaving my house I take my bag with me.
As you can see I have here my first wallet which I bought from Target a few weeks ago for $9.99. Second my brush which I bought from Ross for $3.99. Third you can see my keys which open my doors and start my cars. Forth is my make-up bag which you will see the content of it later. I bought this from Target as well for $1.99. Fifth is my MP3 player I bought from Wal-Mart for $79.00. I really love it, it works really well and I haven't come close to filling it up. Last but not least, or maybe it is, my little compact mirror. I bought this from Claires in one of our malls around here and I think it was $4.99 in clearance. I bought this my last birthday.
Here are the items that are in the pink/butterfly make-up bag. First my little floss stick things and my gum, I always need these just in case we ever eat out and I need to clean my teeth up a little. I carry gum where ever I go. Second a little thing of Deodorant. You never want to smell bad from B.O. Third I like to take along with me a little bit of make-up just in case I ever need to touch up my face. Some powder, concealer, eyeliner, mascara, lip gloss and eyeshadow stick.
Here we have a few different breath savors, tick tacks and whatnot, you never want to have bad breath. Some more lip gloss can be seen at the bottom right. I keep a little notebook with me just in case along with my little green address book, I got from target for $7.99. On the address book there area few hair things and a nail file. The green case at the top is where I keep my checkbook and other important things.
So now you know what I keep in my bag, what kinds of things do you always keep with you? If you have any questions or comments go ahead and leave a comment, I will respond always. So make sure you check back often.