So I am in the market for a new handbag. I usually carry larger bags because that's the style that I enjoy. I will most likely be buying from but if you can recommend a good place to buy handbags that don't have crazy high prices go ahead. I never pay more than $50.00 for a bag and I tend to shop online. I will sometimes buy from Ross because their bags are a great price for great bags.
Here we go.
Extra Large ''Kudreau'' Satchel By Vitalio Vera
"So far this is my favorite bag and will most likely buy this one on the 12th when I get paid again."
''Natie'' Hobo with Matching Cell Pouch
"This bag looks great for the Summer. I don't know it just screams summer time to me."
Belted Satchel Handbag
"I do like this as well, it looks really roomy."
Please vote on your favorite bag. You can leave your vote in the comment area. Thanks so much for participating and don't forget to become a follower. Thanks so much.:)
lol I vote for the first one. I love it that's why I am most likely going to buy it.
Hi Alissa Love the Blog. I like Bag # 3 its the best.
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