Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Weather

Oh wow, the weather was so amazing today in North Carolina. My hubby and I took a little walk around the neighborhood and I got to wear my shorts. I was so happy. I hate the cold weather now. Just a couple years ago I couldn't wait until summer was over and the snow was falling. Now I am totally opposite, I want the sun, I want my pool, I want shorts, and warm weather. I am loving today for the beautiful weather. The sun was shinning, the cold air was far away and we were left with a nice cool breeze. It was lovely. It isn't quite warm enough for me to take a dip in my pool but it was nice. I am counting down the days until summer. See you there.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

In NC? I know, it's getting kind of cold here... and I live in NC... I NEED WARMTH!